A recent article points to toy trends that can benefit your child, and confirm that roadmap2reading apps are on the right track.
Trend – gender neutral games. Your child has the freedom to explore without the usual themes of princesses for your girl or trucks for your son. Our games are like taking a trip to the beach or into the forest, and will appeal to your child regardless of their gender.
Trend – games for young preschoolers. We have designed our apps to help your two year old successfully navigate, as they get ready to read. They allow you as the parent to collect data on your child’s progress and for your child to feel successful and have fun while learning to read. Also, an adjustable recommended time limit of 30 minutes helps you keep track of how long your child has been playing.
Trend – games with instant gratification. Your child may be accustom to receiving instant gratification when playing games. While playing our games, instant gratification includes your child adding treasures to their treasure box just for playing. In addition, our games provide positive motivators throughout to encourage learning even if your child misses an answer. Instead, our games redirect your child in a way that is constructive and positive.
Our apps recognize the changing trends for toys that your children play – qualities that they will experience while playing our apps. Your child as young as two, whether boy or girl, will enjoy escaping to a world of reading that is fun, engaging, and motivating.
Click here for an informative article about toy trends: toy trends link
Which games does your child play that are gender neutral and for young preschoolers?