At month three, your child is beginning to understand that certain words sound like their meaning. This makes songs like “Pop goes the Weasel” great fun because your child begins to learn that when you say the word “pop” that it means going up in the air.
This leads me to a great game to play with your child called the “pop” song! It cultivates your child’s new developing love for surprises. Simply sing the song, “Pop goes the Weasel.” Begin by clapping when you sing the word “pop” to emphasize its importance.
Next, you can use a favorite stuffed animal to pop up as you say the word “pop”. Finally, you can use your child to pop up as you say the word “pop”. As you do, replace the words “the weasel” with her name: “Pop goes Bella.” While you do this change your tones from deep to high to help your child focus on the different pitches and sounds in the words.
Your child will also enjoy seeing herself in the mirror while you play this game. She will love seeing your expressions, learning to read your facial expressions while modeling her own. She will learn from you the art of non-verbal communication.
This simply game is fun to play with your three-month-old while teaching her the important skill of words sounding like what they mean.
What are some activities you like to do with your three-month-old to encourage language skills?