Archives For roadmap2reading

the blue marbleMany people ask me, “Why is it important for my child to be reading at an early age?” One answer is:

  • Choice will motivate your early readers. Reading opens the world of choices.
  • Yes, reading to your child is a great way to start. Even before reading independently, your child can choose what she wants you to read to her. When your child starts to read independently, she can choose to ask you about words. As her reading proficiency increases, your child may begin to choose what she wants to read to learn more – such as learning about African Dwarf frogs or the planets of our solar system.
  • These experiences will give your child the advantage of knowing how to learn about subjects you may have never thought to teach – motivating her to want to learn more by reading more.
  • Having early choices can motivate your child. This motivation can carry forward throughout their school experiences.

How has early reading helped your child or a child you know?

First publish October 2013.

As your child’s school year ends, your child might begin to realize differences in her abilities compared to her peers. She might say, “I’m never going to be a good reader! All my other friends know how. I just can’t do it.”

2014 05 20 Mindset Then New Psychology of SuccessAfter listening to a great audio book called Mindset: the New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck, I recognize the importance of our children having a growth mindset and believing in their abilities. With a growth mindset, children recognize that success is within their power. By working harder and smarter, they can change the outcomes in their life. As a reading specialist, teacher and parent, I see this with my students and own child. Something is challenging, so they think that they are just not smart or something is wrong with them. Without encouragement, they may decide that they can never overcome the challenge.

When teaching your child to become a reader you are also teaching her to become a lifelong learner. Learning to read is how she will expand her ability to learn.Your younger child may be just starting to learn the many rules of reading and spelling. You might reassure her, “Even though you didn’t do so well on your spelling test, you can work harder and study more and then do better on the next spelling test.” Your older child may have challenges, too. Maybe she did not do as well as she thought on her book report. You can remind her, “Now you know that it might take more than just one night to complete a satisfactory report.”

Through this conversation with your child, you are teaching her that she can learn and change her behavior. That is how the growth mindset works – your child realizing that she has the ability to change and grow though her efforts.

What are some examples of ways you have helped instill a growth mindset with your child?